Brack Career Center

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Joan H. Brack Career Development Center

The Joan H. Brack Career Development Center provides a wide range of client-centered employment and career development services for clients of all skill levels, including those who are unemployed, entering the job market for the first time, or considering a career change. This offering is available for all Natick residents at no cost.

We focus on building confidence and self-esteem during one-on-one coaching sessions designed to help clients identify their unique strengths and aptitudes.

In addition to individual coaching sessions, the Brack Center offers training workshops devoted to vocational self-assessment and building an accurate sense of self-worth and self-efficacy.

The center offers assistance in the following areas:

Career Counseling and Mentoring
  • Career interest and skills assessment
  • Job search strategy and application support
  • Interview and follow up techniques
Personal Brand and Marketing
  • Resume and on-line profile development
  • Effective networking
Job Retention Counseling and Support

For more information, please contact Karyn Rosen at or at (508) 655-1791 ext. 122.

To deliver on its mission Natick Service Council’s Brack Center is proud to partner with like-minded organizations such as Morse Library InstituteSouth Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC) and Massachusetts Council on Aging.

Photo courtesy of Sara Sniderman Photography
Photo courtesy of Sara Sniderman Photography
Spring 2025 Walk In Schedule

Brack Center Walk In Hours

Whether you are just starting to think about a change, or you have been searching for some time, we have professionals to help you discuss your employment goals.

Come visit us at the Brack Career Develpment Center to get help on resume writing and review, LinkedIn profiles, job search advice, interview tips, and more. Open to all Natick residents!

If you have a resume make sure to bring that along. And do not stress if you don't have one!

You can drop in any time during our Walk In Hours.


Conquering the Black Hole Header
Conquering the Black Hole
Conquering the Black Hole Presenter

Program presenter

photo coming
Online Skills Courses (4)

Online Microsoft Word & Excel Classes

Introduction to Word- CLICK HERE

Advanced Word- CLICK HERE

Introduction to Excel- CLICK HERE

Advanced Excel- CLICK HERE


Intro to AI

intro to ai workshop

Click HERE to watch our workshop!

Are you curious about the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT for career and job exploration, but a little hesitant to give them a try?

We have been there and completely understand! In this video, Karyn Rosen, Brack Career Center Specialist and Jim Owens, technology industry veteran via Zoom for a high level introduction. During this session, you will see how this cutting edge technology can "partner" with you on your journey. From identifying possible career paths to crafting a standout resume and preparing for interviews, AI tools can be a career companion. 

Essential tips on effectively navigating an AI tool, creating prompts, ensuring accurate results, and safeguarding your personal information will also be shared. If you have not used an AI tool before, plan to join us to get started.

Check it out!