NSC would like to thank the following groups and organizations for their support:
Boy Scouts
Charles River Rotary Club
Girl Scouts
Kiwanis Club of Natick MetroWest
Lovin' Spoonfuls
MetroWest Regional Transit Authority
Natick Comets Hockey Club
Natick Community Organic Farm
Natick Little League Baseball
Natick Police Department
Natick Public Schools
Natick Recreation & Parks
Natick Soccer Club
Natick Sons & Daughters of Italy
Natick Youth Football & Cheerleading Association
Roche Brothers
Rotary Club of Natick
Tilly & Salvy’s Bacon Street Farm
Religious and Spiritual Organizations throughout MetroWest

Hosting a Service Project for Natick Service Council
Are you or your organization interested in hosting a service project for Natick Service Council?
First off, thank you! We would not be able to serve our clients without the help from our community.
In order to keep track of all the great things happening in our community, we ask that before embarking on a project on our behalf that you fill out the Natick Service Council Service Project Proposal Form and email it to Kelsey Hampton, Director, Volunteer Services, khampton@thenatickservicecouncil.org.
Kelsey will review the proposal and provide you with any additional information or resources you may need to make your project a success.